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Drawing Tools Resources

There are many options for drawing tools with the encaustic medium. Some drawing tools are used with encaustic paint in a fluid state and others are a different media all together. Have fun exploring!

Batik Tjanters - Work with encaustic paint in a molten form. Great for making lines, drawing and dotted and line patterns. Wax on Wednesday Video Demonstration

Caran d'Ache Neo Color II - Water-soluble wax crayons that work great on a cooled encaustic surface. **Note: Neo Color II are the type that work on top of encaustic paint. **

Copy Paper - Different colors exist with copy/carbon paper, or you can make your own! Check it out in the DIY section.

Enkaustikos Wax Writers - Like a batik tjanter, but with a built in "stopper" to yield the encaustic paint flow. R & F also makes a wax writer.

Encaustic Hot Pen (Enkaustikos Versa Tool) 
This is an electric pen that allows artists to write and manipulate their encaustic paint in a multitude of ways depending on which tip is used. There are different suppliers for these, just make sure you select the one that is right for you.

Encaustic Edge Video - Melissa Stephens walks you through how to save money by transforming a wood burning pen into an encaustic hot pen. DO NOT use a wood burning pen with encaustic without a heat regulator.

Oil Pastels - These work great for mark making, adding color or drawing on encaustic medium and paint.

Silicone Shapers -- Elizabeth Schowachert demonstrating reductive encaustic mark making.

Stabilo Wood Pencils - Great for your cooled encaustic surface or encaustic monotypes.

Squeeze Dropper - This tool may be used to fill space or draw on the surface of encaustic paint. A squeeze dropper is a also a great applicator for shellac, alcohol inks, India and walnut inks.

Wax Pencils - These work well for as drawing tools with your encaustic paintings, or as mark making tools for encaustic monotypes.


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